
作为一个全球企业公民, 博彩平台网址大全 strives to operate in ways that protect the environment and contribute to the health of our employees and communities. We have a long history of reducing our environmental footprint through the comprehensive efforts 在这里.

Increasing energy efficiencies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions


  • Actively designing and renovating facilities to be energy efficient and embrace the highest standards articulated by green building rating systems. 所有的你.S. building construction and renovation projects meet either LEED Gold certification requirements from the U.S. Green Building Council or CALGreen building code requirements from the State of California in place at the time of project execution.
  • Purchasing 100% of our electricity for our Marin County campuses from Marin Clean Energy, with more than 60% of 博彩平台网址大全’s electricity for our these campuses generated from renewable sources such as wind and solar.
  • Reducing water consumption and improving efficiency of water utilities through use of innovative technologies, including computerized sensors and automatic isolation valves.
  • Achieving ISO 50001 certification for our Shanbally, Ireland energy management system (EnMS) in 2017 and maintain the accreditation to date. The EnMS provides a formal framework for lowering thermal and electrical energy use and reducing GHG emissions through development of targets as well as regular audits and activity reviews.
  • Implementing a clean, natural-gas-fired co-generation system at our Novato manufacturing facility. This system captures heat from generators to produce the steam used in our production processes and is capable of generating 2 MW of electricity.
  • Installing a photovoltaic system comprised of 434 solar panels on the roof of our San Rafael campus parking structure. The system produces approximately 115 kWh of power – nearly equal to the electricity needed to power the 161 EV charging stations and other systems and equipment in the structure.



  • Revitalizing a downtown San Rafael brownfield (a former PG&E Manufactured Gas Plant site) through a $17 million remediation to remove toxic materials. The revitalized site will support the expansion of our San Rafael campus and – through our donation of a portion of the site to community nonprofit organizations – an active aging center and affordable senior housing.
  • 继续努力排除冲突矿物, 比如黄金, 钨, 锡和钽, 从博彩平台网址大全的产品和供应链.
  • Safely and securely disposing of unused or unwanted medications and medical waste (click 在这里 for more information about the safe disposal of sharps).
  • Providing training and information for our employees around the world on chemical substances, 危险物质和危险废物.
  • 提供多种降低, 重用, recycle and composting programs throughout our global facilities and prioritizing beneficial 重用, energy recovery and reduction of waste to landfills. Examples include recycling cardboard and reusable containers for bioprocessing materials, redirecting copper sulfate and zinc sulfate solutions for metals recycling, donating surplus laboratory equipment to local schools and colleges, and donating freezers for COVID-19 related vaccine distribution.
  • Offering an Employee Commuter Program in Northern California that provides comprehensive incentives – including flexible work hours, 电动汽车充电站, rideshare选项, and support for public transportation expenses – designed to cut back on the number of vehicles on roadways and reduce emissions.


博彩平台网址大全 manages our operations and global supply chain in compliance with applicable export, 进口和贸易合规法律, including those related to trade embargoes and economic sanctions, 出口控制, 抵制, 货物的安全, 进口分类及估价, 起源, 标志和自由贸易协定


博彩平台网址大全, we expect our suppliers to operate according to the same ethical and environmentally sustainable principles we hold for our business. 博彩平台网址大全的 供应商行为准则 highlights our expectations that suppliers enforce safe working conditions, 以尊重和尊严对待员工, and utilize sound and environmentally sustainable business practices.


We are committed to supporting fair and just labor practices by keeping our global supply chain and operations free of human trafficking, 奴役和强迫劳动. For more information or to view our statement regarding human trafficking, see 博彩平台网址大全’s California Transparency in Supply Chains and UK Modern Slavery Act Statement.


We comply with all regulations and laws pertaining to reporting on adverse events (AE) and special situation events (SSE). Any 博彩平台网址大全 employee who becomes aware of an AE or SSE must forward certain enumerated information within one business day to the Pharmacovigilance department.


博彩平台网址大全 is committed to the safety of patients and meeting all GxP regulations and policies.

  • 良好实验室规范
  • 临床研究中的人体受试者保护
    • 博彩平台网址大全-sponsored clinical trials are designed and conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
    • Policies on ethical research are regularly reviewed and updated.
    • 有一个监测和审查制度.
    • All 博彩平台网址大全-sponsored clinical trials are prospectively reviewed by a qualified Institutional Review Board or Independent Ethics Committee.


博彩平台网址大全 is committed to fair competition as a matter of corporate conduct. We abide by all laws that apply to marketing activities, including prohibiting:

  • 虚假或误导性广告
  • 贿赂竞争对手或客户的员工
  • 对竞争对手的产品发表不公平的评论

博彩平台网址大全的 Commitment to Transparency in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting

博彩平台网址大全 is committed to understanding the impact of our business practices on the environment and managing our global emissions footprint. We further recognize the importance of understanding our climate-related risks and acknowledging our stakeholders’ interests in our plans to continue ensuring we prioritize minimizing our impact on the environment.

博彩平台网址大全的 campuses consist of multiple manufacturing facilities that produce biologic and gene therapies and perform important pilot scale work, 除了实验室, warehouses and office space supporting our clinical development and commercial initiatives.


For 2020, activities at the two campuses generated the above GHG emissions

博彩平台网址大全 developed and implemented a standard for the collection and verification of GHG data that aligns reporting of this information with the Principles for Effective Disclosure section of the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the GHG Protocol.

博彩平台网址大全 has also begun to assess the most impactful and cost-efficient mitigation strategies to minimize our carbon footprint.

1 Data covers all buildings within our operational control at our Northern California and Shanbally campuses. Sources of Scope 1 emissions from our campuses include combustion of fuels by stationary equipment, releases of refrigerants and laboratory use of chemicals.

2 The location-based figure we have reported for our Scope 2 emissions is based on the amount of electricity purchased and the average emissions intensity of the grids on which our energy consumption occurs. It does not account for the fact that we purchase electricity for all of our campuses that is generated from renewable sources like wind and solar.

3 Emissions associated with our Northern California campuses were calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol and methodologies at US 40 CFR 98 and 17 CCR 95000 et seq.,并利用EPA eGRID排放因子.

4 Emissions associated with our Shanbally campus were calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol and by utilizing common conversion factors for energy use in Ireland (http://www.seai.ie/data-and-insights/seai-statistics/conversion-factors/).

5 2020 figures have been updated to include all of our Northern California campuses within our operational control. Previously published figures only included emissions from our Novato and Shanbally manufacturing campuses.

6 Total Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions have stayed relatively flat despite an increase in manufacturing capacity at our Shanbally campus. 减少温室气体的措施, 例如转换为LED照明, have balanced increases in emissions from new bioreactors and packaging suites, in addition to a new fill finish facility and a cold chain storage building.

" class="hidden">临汾天气预报 " class="hidden">泽艺影城